Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We will gladly assist you:
What is a E-Invoice (CFDI)?
- CFDI is the Spanish abbreviation for Internet Digital Tax Receipt.
- Commonly known as an electronic invoice in other countries including Mexico.
- It is an alternative mechanism to verify income, expenditure and ownership of goods in transfer. The process is completely electronic.
- It uses digital technology in its generation, processing, transmission and storage of data.
- It meets internationally recognized safety standards, which ensures that the CFDI is genuine, unalterable, unique and that it will be accepted legally under the Mexican fiscal law.
- It is a technological solution available to most taxpayers regardless of their income.
Source: SAT
Unalterable: This ensures that the information remains protected and can neither be manipulated nor modified.
Authenticity: You can verify the identity of the sender and receiver of the digital tax receipt.
Verifiable: A person who issues a digital tax receipt, cannot deny having generated it.
Unique: Guarantees that the CFDI has not been been falsified or altered, nor having been repeated by means incorporated to it such as the fiscal approval number, unique folio number among other means. For instance, the monthly report which needs to be sent to the fiscal authority by the sender.
Source: SAT
Types of Digital Invoices
A CFDI covers all the traditional tax receipts:
- Invoices
- Payment receipts to workers (payroll receipt)
- Deductible Receipts
- Leasing Receipts
- Deductible Donation Receipt
- Among other Mexican Tax Receipts
Source: SAT
(Note: The link above will automatically generate an English translated version using Google's Technology).
Please contact us
Factura Express guides you through all the steps required in order to begin enjoying the benefits of this new fiscal tool. Please send us an email to the following address with your contact information and company name so we contact you: